Friday, September 23, 2005

South Seafront Plans - be quick

Late yesterday (22nd) the Council released news that there will be public viewing of the South Seafront plans at the Leisure Centre this weekend (24-26th). Just too late for the press to tell anyone, which shows how much the Council care about your views.

The plans are there on Saturday and Sunday, with Council staff in attendance on Monday, from 11am and 1pm, 2pm and 4pm, and 6pm and 7pm. There's even a comment book you can use.

As this is publicly-owned land, in a strategic position, the Secretary of State should be asked to hold an Inquiry, particularly as the people of Felixstowe are not going to get value for money, but be saddled with ongoing costs that will greatly outweigh the short-term benefits.

We need a doctor's surgery, pharmacy, dentist, post office, community centre, perhaps even a theatre. There is a suitable building standing at the edge of this site, which will serve admirably. Nobody wants a maritime theme park, with plants that will soon die, and equipment that will be vandalised unless supervised.

Serve the people, not a private property developer. Make Bloor Homes pay for the land, it's worth at least £12 million.

We are being ripped off.

See for more information.

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