Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lost Child - Lost way

I was struck this morning by the words of W B Yates, that great Irish poet, who said;

'If we would create a great community - and what other game is so worth the labour? - we must recreate the old foundations of life, not as they existed in that splendid misunderstanding of the eighteenth century, but as they must always exist when the finest minds and Ned the beggar and Sean the fool think about the same thing, although they may not think the same thought about it.'

We have lost our way. There are those intent only upon their own aggrandisement, others who do nothing but carp and criticise, while the mass continue to live their own lives, their circle becoming smaller and smaller as family is eroded, clubs and societies struggle to persuade people to leave their firesides, or should that be televisions, in the evening.

We are become a nation of voyeurs who look upon life that has been created by others. We no longer cook our our own food, but buy cardboard boxes to put in the microwave. Our clothes come from countries far away where lesser slaves labour day and night for a pittance. We are slaves to a system that has little regard for anything but increasing profit, but where will that get any of us?

The planet gets warmer every day, more people are born every day. This is becoming a crowded place, with scarce resources, and as 'development' reaches more places so demand will grow.

Shall we take comfort in the Mayan prophesy, whose 28,000 year calendar comes to an end at the start of the next decade? They say we shall leave this earthly form and move to a higher plane.

I just hope it has more space than here.

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