Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thought for today

It's too easy to forget that we live in the real world, but sometimes there's just something that makes us stop, and reflect. Two items brought me to that state today. Last night I went to a meeting of our local Felixstowe Town Council. For once it was an open meeting, with the public allowed to express their views. We had an hour when points were raised and the Council gave answers to questions. It was an excellent step forward, and there should be more of such meetings.
There were drawbacks, five councillors walked out before the meeting began - presumably they still picked up their attendance fee - because of an alleged conflict of interest. That should be total poppycock but Suffolk Coastal Council's lawyers clearly believe that the democractic process is irrelevant.
Today I have written to the Town Clerk suggesting that all councillors who serve by Felixstowe Town and Suffolk Coastal District should resign from one post and stand for re-election on that very issue. It's a travesty, and is happening far too often.
It was much better when the Council threw out the new plans for the South seafront development as proposed by Bloor Homes, and known known as Cell Block South.
This morning Carl Newman, a local artist and photographer, gave me his latest selection of photographs. All were taken within a mile or two of the town. Hares predominate, with some wonderful pictures of these beautiful creatures. How anyone can allow dogs to chase and kill these animals, and call it sport when they are torn aprt by the hounds defies belief. There they are. There's also a lovely kingfisher, a superb bird.

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