Thursday, December 01, 2005


We live in a fool’s paradise. In comparison with the majority of our fellow humans it is undoubtedly paradise. We have the Internet and that implies we have sufficient money to feed and clothe ourselves. Is there any need to go on? Most of world goes without. It does not have proper medical supplies, housing or transport.
That begs an important question.
Native Americans are very worried about Alaska. We should all be very worried as Alaska is about to be plundered for oil. Why do we rely upon this noxious substance? It is destroying our planet and is irreplaceable. To burn it and allow the residues of combustion to spread all over our land is ridiculous.
When London had six million horses there were continual complaints about the pollution they caused. Motor vehicles fart all over our children all day, every day, and we make no comment. And by what right do we assume that we can use this material to service our shallow needs? Doesn’t it belong to future generations?
The Native Americans living in Alaska have respect for the elk. This animal plays an important part in their lives. It is not just a source of food but granted respect and forms an integral part of the culture of that land. A research group in Cambridge, England are now reporting that sheep are intelligent, they can recognise their friends and respond to stimuli.
At the same time we are told that 60% of the fish species in the oceans are now under threat - we are killing too many of them.
We do not own this planet but are tenants who must work to improve its resources to make live easier for future generations. Do we ever consider the overall progress of Homo sapiens? At present we are continually watering down the quality of our population. Ill-fed, badly educated people have one option; to reproduce.
Well-fed, educated people do the reverse. Italy has a falling birth-rate yet we worry about that, concerned that there will not be enough poor workers available to service our communities. Then came the Yugoslavian wars. Now refugees are flooding into Europe willing to work for a pittance.
I'm having a bit of a moan today - must have been the sardines.

We need intelligent people. With application they could create an ideal state that would enable us all to live out our lives in peace. Instead our economic systems rely upon unsound principles that demand growth, and yet more growth. This can only be obtained by continuing to exploit the masses, offering them sops on the one hand; trainers, holidays in exotic places, bigger motor vehicles that all exploit our world, and the poor people.

There is an acceptance that we are put on this earth in order to work. That is total nonsense. There is no need for any of us to do very much work. We must change our structures and examine how the rest of our world gets by. Does your cat or dog get up in the morning, grab a coffee, rush out the door, get frustrated angry and depressed from working all day? You bet they don’t. So who has civilised whom?

We allow people to starve to death or drop bombs on them. What is Afghanistan really about? Is it about gaining access to the oil reserves of middle Asia? Are we just playing the same old game?

Most religions suggest that peace is better than war. Christianity urges people to turn the other cheek against your enemy. That by showing love and compassion and tending our world we can all get by very well. Don’t tell me it can’t be done. I lived a very simple live for five years in Spain, growing most of my own food, working when needed to pay for basics that I could not produce myself. A peasant community works well until Mr Big assumes ownership of the land and charges rent.

Divide the surface area of the world by the number of people it contains. Each person can then have an entitlement and become a shareholder in this brand new company that we can call Earth. Only one small proviso; no shareholder will be allowed to hold more than one share. We’ll leave the casting vote to God.

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