Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It gets better

Every day there's a small improvement. Today two people have commented upon my Blog, one suggests that I'm disposable, but I'll cope with that, as the only certaintity in life is that we will all die. Sooner or later? Whenever let's hope we don't know too much about it.

On the longest day we met on the beach (the bit that's not been dredged and sold to Denmark) for a chat, drinks, food and to play a little music. One person spoke in tongues - and we'd like to discover which language she was speaking, as she's always drifting off into this nether world. A linguist living somewhere near Felixstowe would be useful. I suspect it has a middle-eastern origin, but what do I know. What's certain is that it a language, as it has some structure, and phrases are repeated.

It's fascinating, and warrants some investigation. I wonder if it's a breakthrough from another dimension, or a genetic throwback (we have physical characteristics passed through generations, why not other attributes, such as memory)?

Better stop, or those that believe I'm a crank will send the white coats.

Wish someone would invite me to a strawberry tea. It is Wimbledon Fortnight, and although I have little time for tennis (the ball syndrome) I do like strawberries - and tea.


Anonymous said...

HI Trevor its the other Trevor, its sounds as though your longest day was spent in tranquility,I am sure you will remember from you time in catalunya,that they celebrate it somewhat differently.Anyone not aware of San Juan would have immediately been running for the nearest air raid shelter.The noise and festivities tend to last 24 hours and it is impossible to get a wink of sleep, consequently it is best to join in and to hell with the consequences, best of luck!

Anonymous said...

oh dear