Monday, June 19, 2006


The weather - a perennial topic for an Englishman - remains variable. For one or two days it's hot, but the humidity remains high, and then we have a belt of rain. My allotment is running wild, but should produce good results. New potatoes, and perhaps the first mangetout could be on the menu tonight.

It's encouraging to know that England is producing something. Talk recently, amongst my circle of friends, is of excessive immigration and lack of exports. A survey in Lincolnshire shows that most farm-workers who arrive here, mainly from Eastern Europe, want to stay. 56 langugaes are now spoken in a county that once had difficulty in speaking an understandable version of English. These workers are encouraged to arrive because they are cheap. Not because English workesr will not do the job, but they want to be paid a decent wage.

Big business, and that includes our farmers, wants cheap labour. Politicians concur, accepting this argument without question. However if the immigrants stay they are no longer cheap. They demand housing, schools, and will encourage their dependants to also come to this green and pleasant land.

The argument then suggest that such immigration is great because it creates rich diversity. Drive through our large urban conurbations and all have ghettoes where immigrants congregate, and feed upon each other, having little contact with the indigenous residents.

There is no real attempt to ensure these people integrate. Many, in the past, have never learnt to speak English.

Britain was called Great Britain when we had between 10-30 million people. We now have at least 60 million, and the government is encouraging most of them to live in the south-eastern corner. Roads are crowded, tempers frayed, and we are beginning to waddle around like turkeys fattened for Xmas because most restaurants sell junk, our supermarkets sell processed junk in cardboard boxes and chips must go with everything.

I want to live somewhere else. This country is no longer mine. It is peopled by selfish immigrants who only want to exploit this country for what it can give them, and their extended family - most of whom live abroad, although many are trying to get here.

The global village does not work for the Little Englander - who has practically everything. We have nothing to gain by these policies. In fact we have much to lose, as the country's wealth is watered down and dissipated elsewhere. Shangri-La must be found before it is too late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hayfever, in your case, is caused by crankiness. Go to your doctor and tell him to give you prednisone if it is really bad. If not, try Claridin or an equivalent. Works better if you start the latter before the pollen bursts forth.Prevention, prevention, prevention. Clear out the dust, stay away from fur bearing pets and do indoor stuff 'til the season passes.