Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Learning Curve

Let's hope there is a life hereafter because a lifetime spent learning lessons will be such a waste if it all ends here. The real lessons learnt seem to be those that come from mistakes, those that produce that feeling of cringing embarrassment when recalled.

We should all make mistakes, and appreciate how much we learn as a result. Working within a disciplined service for much of my life has meant that I've taken a long time to learn. For too long I did as I was told, and later refused to do anything I was told. The pendulum swung too far away from the old ways. Perhaps now age is mellowing my acerbity.

Arrogant people, those who are convinced they know best, are to be avoided. Suicide bombers especially. As they push the button that blows them to eternity they do so believing that Allah will accept them as heroes, that they will live the perfect life for evermore.

It's a silly attitude to adopt, and very dangerous, particularly if you happen to be close to one of these misguided fools when they explode.

The wife of the first British suicide bomber (he killed himself at Mike's Bar in Israel) made a telling statement. She'd received a letter from her husband that told her he was leaving her, but that, later, they would meet in another life, and live together in perfect harmony. "He's got to be joking," she said, "if he thinks he can tell me he's leaving me and the children and then expect me to want to live with him in heaven."

He'd not really thought it out.


Anonymous said...

I needed that! Made my day! Male arrogance seems to know no bounds!

no name displayed said...

I don't think islamic bombers do leave their wives behind because they seek 'reward in the after life'. I'd rather guess they are tired of their duty of feeding their wives - of which some of them have more than one - plus offspring.
Oh, man, we know HOW MUCH work that duty involves, so better run away and enjoy some virgins!