Saturday, July 15, 2006


A shame that's the responsibility of a whole country.

No, I'm not talking about Israel, whose citizens should all be ashamed that when they attack foreign lands, killing innocents.

This shame is about England (I'm not sure what happens in the other, smaller, territories). England allows charities to run hospices for children. They don't really fund these places, relying instead upon National Lottery funds, which are little more than another tax upon the populace.

The East of England has three hospices for children. This year the National Lottery decided to withdraw funding. The hospices had wanted to expand, as there is an increasing demand. That's not possible.

Today I had a stall at the annual fete of EACH Lovely, well-meaning, people, many of whom had been directly touched by the death of a much-loved child. Not enough people attended. They will continue to struggle for money.

It's a national disgraces that a country cannot ease the passing of its own children, those kids whose life has been snatched away before they really understand what life is all about.

I told these people to stop collecting pennies by organising fetes and similar events. They should challenge their energies towards a concerted attack upon our politicians. They should picket their houses, ensure their demands are thrust down everyone's throats.

After all, who can deprive a dying child of anything they need? These little scraps will not be here for very long. The cost to the nation of lavishing love upon their shattered bodies and minds will be no more that a few of the missiles we were content to rain down upon Iraq just a few years ago.

Shame on you all.

Think of those dying children - and then go attack a politician - any politician

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